Diagnostics and Applications for Technology and Simulations

DARTS srl is a company with registered office in Rome operating in the landscape of particle physics and ionizing radiation applications respectively in the fields of medicine and industry.


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The aim of DARTS srl is to increase the operational capabilities of client companies by offering its services not only in Lazio, but throughout the Italian and European national territory, counting on efficiency, speed and ability to produce smart solutions. 

The main operational areas are, among others:

  • The calculation of the dose absorbed by patients or materials exposed to different types of charged or neutral radiation
  • The development of technologies for radioprotection or external beam radiotherapy
  • The development of innovative materials for medical and industrial diagnostics

The company’s main assets, in addition to the specific skills of its members, are patents relating to innovative scintillator materials and a software, which exploits the parallel computing power of GPUs, to carry out ultra-fast and accurate Monte Carlo simulations.











DARTS srl currently offers the following services and products of interest to industries, research and therapy centres:

  • High precision and ultra-fast calculation of the dose absorbed by materials exposed to ionizing radiation;
  • Calculations of physical quantities of interest for applications in the radiation protection sector;
  • Estimation of particle flows involved in the operation of medical machines that use ionizing radiation;
  • Development of innovative materials of interest for medical diagnostics and industrial imaging.

Head Office

Via A. Scarpa 16, c/o Dipartimento di Scienze di Base e Applicate per l’Ingegneria, 00161 Roma RM

Administrative seat

Via Giovanni Paisiello 15 Cap 00198 C/O Sarti Stoduto e associati Roma RM

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